Citations quotidiennes du 10-08-2022

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Cette conversation en langue anglaise se déroulait dans un silence solennel.

Albert Cossery (Mendiants et orgueilleux, p.77, Éd. Joëlle Losfeld, coll. Arcane, 1993)

This idea of learning through design is on aspect of what Seymour Papert has called the constructionist approach of learning and education. Constructionism involves two types of construction. First, il asserts that learning is an active process, in which people actively construct knowledge from their experiences in the world. (This idea is based on the constructivist theories of Jean Piaget.) To this, constructionism adds the idea that people construct new knowledge with particular effectiveness when they are engaged in constructing products that are personnally meaningful. They might be constructing sand castles, LEGO machines, or computer programs. What’s important is that they are actively engaged in creating something that is meaningful to themselves or to others around them.

Mitchel Resnick (Turtles, Termites, and Traffic Jams, p.23, MIT Press, 1994)

Il y a quelque chose de répugnant à entendre les vieux ménages parler de leurs rapports sexuels. Il semble que, passé un certain délai de cohabitation, la volupté soit anormale.
Jeanne Landre (Cité par Cario et Régismanset dans La Pensée Française, p. 455, Mercure de France, 1921)

Tout pour la vieillesse engourdie
Des filets de la mort est plein.
Romain Nicolas Du Houllay (Les deux Papillons, p. 138 in Fables en vers français, Paris, 1804)

[…] il faut lire [John] Donne à haute voix, c’est comme une fugue de Bach.

Helene Hanff (84, Charing Cross Road, trad. Marie-Anne de Kisch
, p.122, Livre de Poche n°15575)

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